The Elephant and The Bicycle

Short Film/Comedy, France 2014

An elephant lives in a town among people and works as a street cleaner. One day, he sees a big billboard advertising a bicycle. It seems the perfect size for him! This is the minute the elephant's life changes: he has to get this bicycle whatever it costs him.
10 min
Starting at 4
Audio language:
no dialogue


Festival Anima de Bruxelles, Belgique 2015 Meilleur court-métrage jeune public
Festival Trois jours trop courts de Castres, France 2015 Prix des Cinglés du cinéma
Fantoche, Festival du Film d'Animation, Baden, Suisse 2014 Prix du public "Enfants"

More information


Yan Volsy


Olesya Shchukina (Animation)

Lucrèce Andreae (Animation)

Marjolaine Parot (Animation)

Original title:

Le vélo de l'éléphant

Original language:

no dialogue


16:9 HD, Color


´´FBW "especially valuable"

Age rating:

Starting at 4

Audio language:

no dialogue